Backyard High Jinks

Gardening, beekeeping & general backyard high jinks.

Saturday, May 26, 2012

Bumblebees and a Slug

This week in the beehives:
Well, Matt's bees are still building comb on the bottom of the feeder. We figured out a way to elevate the feeder on a topless table (ooh, racy!) so we can inspect it and scrape it off more easily. There is larvae and new eggs in both hives, and we saw Matt's queen but we didn't see mine. Those queens can be so elusive!

We also opened the hive reducer to the next biggest size. When we checked my hive, I found that there was a slug in there! Is there no where sacred that slugs don't go in this infernally damp state? The bees had killed it of course and they were trying to get rid of it somehow. I took it out. Other than that they seemed to be doing fine. In the garden, ever since I let the kale and cabbage bloom, the bumblebees have been all OVER the flowers! They are so fuzzy and fat. Go for it bumblebees!

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