Backyard High Jinks

Gardening, beekeeping & general backyard high jinks.

Sunday, March 30, 2014

Spring is Buzzing!

As Spring is meandering it's way home, there have been a few warmish days over the last few weeks. warm enough anyway for the bees to get out and stretch their wings. It looks like Winter has not been as hard on our bees as last year. Both our hives are full of bees and I have seen new bees making orientation flights outside the hives which means the Queens are both busy laying. I think it is going to be a very busy bee summer! I caught some bees in one of my planters which is having drainage issues. It's the perfect spot for collecting water.

The past two weeks they have been collecting a yellow-orange pollen like crazy. We believe it to be the Alder tree pollen which is in full bloom right now, but it could also be dandelion flower pollen which is also highly available. Flowering Currants are also blooming, as well as a myriad of fruit trees like cherry and plum.

Alder Catkins
There isn't much nectar this time of year (though the maple trees will be blooming soon) so Matt put the feeders on last weekend to supplement. From the looks of the activity at the hives, the ladies are thriving!

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